Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке к конкурсу «Литературный калейдоскоп»

Автор: Новикова Лариса Александровна

Организация: МОУ СОШ №7

Населенный пункт: Курская область, г. Железногорск

Scene 1.

(Люси играет на игровой приставке. Входит мама.)

Mum: Lusy, have you done your homework in Literature?

Lusy: No, Mum. I’ll do it later. I want to play computer games.

Mum: Oh, Lusy. First you should do your homework.

(Люси не обращает внимания на маму. Мама отключает приставку.)

Lusy: Mum, you shouldn’t do so. You are always in my way.

(Мама заплакала и ушла)

Mum: Oh, Lusy, Lusy.

Lusy: Mum always makes me do homework. But I don’t want. I don’t like Literature.

(Люси прячется в шкаф.)

Scene 2

(Люси проходит через «шкаф» и оказывается в неведомой стране у фонаря)

Lusy: It’s impossible. What is it?

(Появляется Чеширский кот. Каждый пугается, прячутся за фонарь, затем выходят.)

Lusy: Who are you?

Cat: I’m the Cheshire cat. And who are you?

Lusy: I’m a girl. My name is Lusy.

Cat: What are you doing here, Lusy?

Lusy: I hid in the wardrobe. But what country is it?

Cat: It is Narnia. It is the best magic country in the world.

Scene 3

(Появляется мальчик Питер Пэн. Он плачет.)

Lusy: What is your name? Why are crying?

Peter Pen: My name is Peter Pen. The Evil Queen has stolen my mum. I’m afraid I will never see my mum again.

Cat: Yes, the Evil Queen lives in Narnia and steals all mothers. She wants to freeze them and make their children stay alone.

Lusy: Oh, it’s terrible. Don’t cry, Peter. I will help you to free your mum.

Cat: It will be difficult. The Evil Queen has a magic mirror. With its help she can do harm to you.

Lusy: Let’s try.

(Все уходят.)

Scene 5

(Чеширский кот разговаривает с Винни-Пухом.)

Cat: Hello, Winnie-the –Pooh. Listen, today I have met a girl. Her name is Lusy. I have never seen her in our country. She looks like Alice from my fairy tale, but she is with strange hair and in ugly clothes.

Winnie-the –Pooh: What is she doing in our country?

Cat: She wants to help Peter Pen free his mother. But, as you know, she is in the castle of the Evil Queen.

Winnie-the –Pooh: May be Lusy will help not only Peter Pen, but all our country. The Evil Queen does evil in Narnia. But nobody knows where the Evil Queen’s castle is.

Cat: I have an idea. Let’s bring Lusy with Peter Pen to Sherlock Holmes. I think he will help them.


Scene 5

Чеширский кот и Винни-Пух отводят Люси и Питера Пена к Шерлоку Холмсу.

All: Good morning, Mr Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes: Good morning. Glad to see you. What are you doing here?

Lusy: Mr Sherlock Holmes, we are looking for Peter’s mother. She is in the castle of the Evil Queen. We don’t know the way there. Can you help us to find this castle?

Sherlock Holmes: Yes, of course. My dog of the Baskervilles will help you. Let’s go.

(Все убегают за Шерлоком Холмсом и собакой)

Scene 6

(Все подходят к замку Королевы.)

Sherlock Holmes: We are here now. You should be careful because the Evil Queen has a Guard: the Canterville Ghost.

(Шерлок Холмс не успевает договорить, как появляется Кентервильское привидение.)

(Все убегают, кроме Люси и Питера Пена.)

Scene 7

(Появляется Кентервильское привидение и Королева.)

Ghost: Your Majesty, I’ve heard about the girl from a strange wardrobe. She is going here and wants to free Peter Pen’s mother.

Queen: You must put a magic mirror here. They will look in it and I’ll put them there. They will never get out of the mirror. (шёпотом говорит)But there is a secret. If they, staying in the mirror, are honest and say about their true love to their mothers, the mirror will be broken and I’ll die. Let’s go and prepare for their coming. ( Дети всё услышали)

Scene 8

(Дети приходят к королеве)

Queen: What do you want, children?

Lusy: The Evil Queen, free Peter Pen’s mother?

Queen: Oh, Lusy. I heard about you. You are very brave. I like brave girls. Would you like to look in the mirror? I think your face is dirty.

(Дети смотрят в зеркало и остаются в нём.)
Queen: Ha-ha-ha. Now you will stay in my castle too.
Peter Pen: No, we’ll free my mother. My mother is very kind and beautiful. I love her very much. And you are bad and you’ll die.

Lusy: Now I’m missing my mum.

She is very kind and beautiful too. But I made her suffer. I love her very much.

( Зеркало разбивается и дети выходят из зеркала)

Queen: Oh, it’s impossible.

( Королева умирает)

Scene 9

(Все герои выходят на сцену+ мама Питера Пена)

Peter Pen’s mother: Oh, dear Peter. I missed you very much.

Peter Pen: Oh, mummy. I love you so much. ( обнимаются)

Winnie-the-Pooh: Well done, children. We are glad that you won the Evil Queen and our country is free now.

( Появляется Мэри Поппинс)

Mary Poppins: Good afternoon! Let me introduce myself. I’m Mary Poppins. I want to look at our winners and congratulate them. I think it was a good lesson for all of us. Please, remember: don’t hurt your mothers. They suffer from it.

Scene 10

(Все на сцене)

Lusy: It’s time to leave you. My mummy is waiting for me. I was very glad to meet you all. You are very nice.
Cat: Lusy, you are a very brave and helpful girl. Now you are our friend forever.

Sherlock Holmes: And you can come to us any time.

Peter Pen: Thank you, Lusy, very much. I’m with my mum now. I’m so happy.

( Девочки поют финальную песню из кинофильма « Хроники Нарнии: Принц Каспиан». Все прощаются.)

Scene 11

( Люси вылезает из шкафа, мама сидит плачет)

Lusy: Oh, mummy. I’m so glad to see you. Forgive me, please. I was so rude and cruel. I thought only about myself. I love you very much. I will never do it again.

Mum: I love you too, honey.

( Обнимаются)

Опубликовано: 12.05.2019